Friday, August 20, 2010

The City Different...Emergency Trip

Last night, I got the call. I had to come to "The City Different." For two reasons. Both work related. One, I needed to update my hospital credentials. That's what I'm doing at the moment. It's so boring. Taking a long time. But so much of a necessity. You know how that goes...

Secondly, I'm on a mission to find an armonia player. Today. Because I have a gig on Monday. And I need someone to play while I sing. Do you know of anyone that would be interested? I could use all the help I can get. Seriously! And it pays $5,000!

My boss called me last night to tell me. I need to find someone today. I have 1 guy's number. But he's not answering. And a friend suggested that I go hang out at the Plaza. I think that would have worked last weekend. But do musicians just kinda hang out there? I don't know. But this afternoon, I will find out. :)

Other than that, not much else on my agenda. I still need to buy my niece something for her birthday. Her party is tomorrow. And I'm thinking about Upper Crust for lunch today. I used to go there all the time in high school. Silly me. :) But it just sounds good.

Other than that, it's just me. Over dressed. In a pencil skirt, button down white blouse, and red peep toes. Yes, I get graded on my clothes. So I'm always dressed up. But I'm feeling way over dressed today. Just wait until I have to go downtown later. This is going to be interesting. ..

But again, I'm in love with this city. Too bad it's so expensive to live here. Oh, and that my college isn't here. Because I would seriously like to move out here. Maybe then, I could get back into full time Mariachi playing. ♥Besitos

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