Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. Are you scared? I'm not. I like this date. Even though lots of people keep telling me that it's bad luck. I don't believe it!

The number 13 is supposed to be incomplete. Not regular. Bad luck. Have you ever heard of the saying, "13 seated at dinner. 1 won't make it past." Do you believe it?

People always talk about not starting journeys, new ventures, or big financial projects on Friday the 13th. It makes me wonder...

But I still don't believe that one day, can have this much of an impact on people's lives. But I guess, only time will tell. Let's see if I make it to tomorrow.

Oh, and a good friend of mine is going to be going through a big test today. Please pray for her. Let's see if the 13th day will have a horrible effect on our lives. ♥Besitos

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