Tuesday, August 31, 2010
More Aggressive?
At about 8:30 of this video, Debbie explains that you need to be more aggressive. That women need to be aggressive when looking for men to date. And in relationships. Um, that's not me. And I just don't know what to say...
You see, I'm more of an "Old Fashioned" gal when it comes to dating. I have a feeling, I'm light years behind. In so many ways. For example, my classmates in high school voted me "Most Likely to be Married First." Yes, you read that right. And now, I'm one of the only single people left from my class. How funny is that??? But honestly, before now, I just wasn't ready for all of that.
Anyways, do guys really want an aggressive girl? Would they rather a woman go up to them and ask them out? Or do they feel weird about that? You see, where I live, and where I'm from, it's all about Macho men. Hispanic men...who want to wear the pants. So to speak. So what would happen?
I guess I'm just confused. Maybe I should be more aggressive. Talk to a few of those men who I'm interested in. Ask them out to dinner. Heck, I'd even pay for the date. I'm cool with that. My question is...would guys be OK with that? I'm just not sure...
So what do you think about Debbie's advice? Would you take it? To the single ladies...do you ever make the first move? Or do you feel like you need to be a little "Old Fashion" and let the guy make the moves. I'm just wondering... ♥Besitos
Monday, August 30, 2010
I was thinking about this today. My grandma taught me how to dance a polka when I was small. Like 3 or 4 years old. It was her thing. Her dance. Something that at every single party, she and my uncle would dance. The faster, the better. In her book anyway.
Me, I've had 1 good polka partner in my life. Zo, my best friend. He cracks me up! But he is such a good dancer. I think we just grew up around it. Going to fiestas, parties, etc. That's why we were good at it. But other people, wow! It's like they've never danced a day in their lives! They can't figure out the rhythm. Or the steps.
So I have a question. Was it just in my family, that we were taught how to dance as young kids? I mean they didn't teach us step by step. We just learned. Picked it up on our own. You know, it came naturally. Which I think, most Latinos would agree. it just happens.
One day, I was just dancing a cumbia. No one taught me. I just knew. My hips, my feet, every part of me just knew what to do. And now, I dance all the time. To a HUGE variety of music. It was natural. Something that we were taught. But also something that came from inside. I'm yet to meet a Latino that doesn't know how to dance. ♥Besitos
Makes Me Go...Huh?
I woke up this morning before 4AM. Not feeling very well. I'm thinking that this is round 2 of last month. I don't know. I'm still not "a OK." But I'm hopeful. Anyways, I woke up. Cold. But hot. And very thirsty. I found one lonely Juicy Juice box in the fridge. And sat at the kitchen table drinking my juice. I felt like I was 4 years old again...
Then I went to bed...
At almost 7AM, I woke up. In a cold sweat. Really out of it. Not sure what had just happened. Or even where I was. Does that ever happen to you? You feel so out of place. Like your own body is foreign.
I had a weird dream. Like I was going to a High School Reunion of some sort. And all these people that I had gone to school with, they were there. Not just high school. But all the schools I've gone to. Including pre-school...
It was so weird. And I saw an old friend there. We were friends in high school. He was hilarious! And he had this longish hair. We always talked about hair. Because his was gorgeous! Mine was out of control! Anyway, we sat down to talk.
*In real life, he has been dating the same woman since we were sophomores in high school. Another really good friend of mine.*
Anyway, I haven't seen or talked to either of them in years. And that is what makes this such a weird dream.
So the next thing I remember. My cousin was laying in some room. On a bed, all dressed up. With a baby girl. My cousin who I haven't seen, since my uncle died almost 5 years ago. She had just had her little girl. And was now getting married. Weird I know. But it gets more crazy!
I had just married my friend. And after the wedding and the reception, we welcomed our twin daughters into the world. The hospital was across the street. And as we were leaving the reception, I went into labor. Literally, all of this happened within a 2 day span. And we were having some sort of joint baby shower. It was so weird!
My mom had picked out some cute little things for us. All of which, my cousin was trying to steal. And our daughters were adorable! With jet black hair, just like their daddy. :) And of course, pale skin like me. Poor things! But my "new hubby" was doing a great job. For some reason, we had to go to the Post Office across the street. It was like we had to register them, before getting to take them home. So weird.
My new hubby did all of that for us. And I stayed behind feeding these precious little girls. Breastfeeding. I'm assuming because that's what I teach at the DOH. The entire time, my cousin was boiling over. Because her new husband wouldn't help her. In real life, she's pretty demanding too!
So as I got ready, so that my family and I could go home, my hubby was getting our daughters ready. I came out and he had them all dressed and ready to go. In the cutest little dresses with little sun hats. All of our things were already in our car. My mom was so super excited to have twin granddaughters. And my cousin was having a fit and a half!
I go and pick up one of our little girls. And her daddy hadn't put their diapers on them! I just thought it was hilarious. He wasn't sure how to put on the cloth diapers. So my mom showed him how. It was too sweet. And he was so patient. All I can remember though, is seeing his glasses. Those black frames.
Later, we were at our home. I swear, we weren't living anywhere near here. I don't know where we were living. But we had a nice quiet home. Our daughters had an adorable nursery. And my new hubby and I, well we seemed very much in love. And so happy!
*This was such a weird dream. Because my friend, he was one of my best friends in high school. But I never had any type of romantic feelings about him. None! He was just that person that I hung out with. We would moan and groan about stupid homework assignments. We frequently ran in various runs around town. Like the Ryan's Run. We would cram with our Cliff's Notes minutes before an exam. Or find ways to get out of dumb Senate stuff.
This was way out there. I did leave out some details. Because it was just a weird dream. Something totally unexpected. I've noticed that when I'm not feeling very well, all of these odd dreams happen. So weird!
Well, now it has me thinking about my 2 friends. Not romantically or anything like that. I'm just wondering how they're doing. They now live across the country. But I have no way to get in touch with them. I hope they are doing well. But for me, it's now time for me to get to work. ♥Besitos
Then I went to bed...
At almost 7AM, I woke up. In a cold sweat. Really out of it. Not sure what had just happened. Or even where I was. Does that ever happen to you? You feel so out of place. Like your own body is foreign.
I had a weird dream. Like I was going to a High School Reunion of some sort. And all these people that I had gone to school with, they were there. Not just high school. But all the schools I've gone to. Including pre-school...
It was so weird. And I saw an old friend there. We were friends in high school. He was hilarious! And he had this longish hair. We always talked about hair. Because his was gorgeous! Mine was out of control! Anyway, we sat down to talk.
*In real life, he has been dating the same woman since we were sophomores in high school. Another really good friend of mine.*
Anyway, I haven't seen or talked to either of them in years. And that is what makes this such a weird dream.
So the next thing I remember. My cousin was laying in some room. On a bed, all dressed up. With a baby girl. My cousin who I haven't seen, since my uncle died almost 5 years ago. She had just had her little girl. And was now getting married. Weird I know. But it gets more crazy!
I had just married my friend. And after the wedding and the reception, we welcomed our twin daughters into the world. The hospital was across the street. And as we were leaving the reception, I went into labor. Literally, all of this happened within a 2 day span. And we were having some sort of joint baby shower. It was so weird!
My mom had picked out some cute little things for us. All of which, my cousin was trying to steal. And our daughters were adorable! With jet black hair, just like their daddy. :) And of course, pale skin like me. Poor things! But my "new hubby" was doing a great job. For some reason, we had to go to the Post Office across the street. It was like we had to register them, before getting to take them home. So weird.
My new hubby did all of that for us. And I stayed behind feeding these precious little girls. Breastfeeding. I'm assuming because that's what I teach at the DOH. The entire time, my cousin was boiling over. Because her new husband wouldn't help her. In real life, she's pretty demanding too!
So as I got ready, so that my family and I could go home, my hubby was getting our daughters ready. I came out and he had them all dressed and ready to go. In the cutest little dresses with little sun hats. All of our things were already in our car. My mom was so super excited to have twin granddaughters. And my cousin was having a fit and a half!
I go and pick up one of our little girls. And her daddy hadn't put their diapers on them! I just thought it was hilarious. He wasn't sure how to put on the cloth diapers. So my mom showed him how. It was too sweet. And he was so patient. All I can remember though, is seeing his glasses. Those black frames.
Later, we were at our home. I swear, we weren't living anywhere near here. I don't know where we were living. But we had a nice quiet home. Our daughters had an adorable nursery. And my new hubby and I, well we seemed very much in love. And so happy!
*This was such a weird dream. Because my friend, he was one of my best friends in high school. But I never had any type of romantic feelings about him. None! He was just that person that I hung out with. We would moan and groan about stupid homework assignments. We frequently ran in various runs around town. Like the Ryan's Run. We would cram with our Cliff's Notes minutes before an exam. Or find ways to get out of dumb Senate stuff.
This was way out there. I did leave out some details. Because it was just a weird dream. Something totally unexpected. I've noticed that when I'm not feeling very well, all of these odd dreams happen. So weird!
Well, now it has me thinking about my 2 friends. Not romantically or anything like that. I'm just wondering how they're doing. They now live across the country. But I have no way to get in touch with them. I hope they are doing well. But for me, it's now time for me to get to work. ♥Besitos
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Princess Slippers

You know, my best friend is having a baby girl soon. Actually, lots of my friends are expecting baby girls. And this pattern, it's just way too cute! I just need to buy some cotton. I really want to make some. How cute are they!!! ♥Besitos
Gifts for Others,
My Favorites
Fun Saturday
I've really had a nice weekend thus far. I had a good show on Friday night. A really good one actually. I just need to find a Mariachi that is from "The City Different." It would make my life a whole lot easier! But because Zo and a few other friends were in town, I was able to pull a group together for the show. :)
Yesterday, it was busy. And crazy! I went home. To my parents home. Only after a morning run in "The City Different." If you were driving around, yes that was me. In the shorts and tank top. Running on one of their main streets, at 5AM! My parents and I went out to breakfast and then, we had to do some quick birthday shopping.
I head out to a friend's house. And we started decorating and cooking. One of the girls that performs with me, she's getting married. And we were throwing her a Lingerie Party. After all the prep work, I headed to the other side of town. For a birthday party. It was for a friend's little girl. She was turning 8. I only stayed for a little while. But it was nice to see my parents there too!
And then, I headed out to meet the girls. We took the bride-to-be for a mani, pedi, massage. We all had our hair blown out. And just had a very girly afternoon. Then off to dinner. I had prepped everything for Tapas. Our favorite! I cooked, and we all talked and laughed. Before long, the place was packed with friends!
We played games, ate, danced, laughed, opened presents, relaxed, and embarrassed the soon-to-be-Mrs. It was such a fun night. With some of my very best friends! I always enjoy spending time with them. And I can't wait until the wedding! I'm sure, the Mr. will appreciate all the loot from the party too! ♥Besitos
Yesterday, it was busy. And crazy! I went home. To my parents home. Only after a morning run in "The City Different." If you were driving around, yes that was me. In the shorts and tank top. Running on one of their main streets, at 5AM! My parents and I went out to breakfast and then, we had to do some quick birthday shopping.
I head out to a friend's house. And we started decorating and cooking. One of the girls that performs with me, she's getting married. And we were throwing her a Lingerie Party. After all the prep work, I headed to the other side of town. For a birthday party. It was for a friend's little girl. She was turning 8. I only stayed for a little while. But it was nice to see my parents there too!
And then, I headed out to meet the girls. We took the bride-to-be for a mani, pedi, massage. We all had our hair blown out. And just had a very girly afternoon. Then off to dinner. I had prepped everything for Tapas. Our favorite! I cooked, and we all talked and laughed. Before long, the place was packed with friends!
We played games, ate, danced, laughed, opened presents, relaxed, and embarrassed the soon-to-be-Mrs. It was such a fun night. With some of my very best friends! I always enjoy spending time with them. And I can't wait until the wedding! I'm sure, the Mr. will appreciate all the loot from the party too! ♥Besitos
Amazing Days,
My Favorites,
My Parents
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What a beautiful song! I heard it on the radio this morning. And it just made me smile. Seems very fitting for today. Since I'm hosting a Lingerie Party for a good friend. She is getting married in just about a month.
It kind of makes me wonder about my own future. And if I will ever find someone to share my life with. It's weird. I never thought about this, until the last few months. It's like now, I'm ready in my life. Ready for the next adventure. But I'm a patient person. And when God decides that I'm really ready, well, I'll be here. :)
Hopefully, one day, I'll have an amazing hombrecito to share this song with. And my life with. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the milestones in my friends' lives. Happy Saturday! ♥Besitos
My Favorites,
Single Mujer,
Morning Morning Glory
I'm home for the night. Day. Whatever it turns out to be. It's going to be a busy weekend. I drove from "The City Different" early this morning. And when I walked in the door, my Dad said, "Morning, Morning Glory."
Apparently, he used to tell my Mom that. But since I was little, that's how he has told me "Good Morning." It's cute. And it's our thing. I tell him, "Good Morning Sunshine." When I was little and I didn't want to get out of bed, I've always hated mornings! My Dad would tell me "Morning, Morning Glory." And he would tickle me until he knew I was awake.
It was funny, because my Dad told me, that he better be the only "Sunshine" in my life. I wonder what my Dad is going to do when I bring home "The One." You know that is something that freaks me out. How am I ever going to introduce a man to my father. He will probably scare the poor guy away!
I always tell my parents, when I decide to get married, I'm going to elope. Then they will get to meet their son-in-law. But only after it's official. Because I fear that they would be so upset. At least my Dad would. It's tough being the baby of the family. People just don't get it. But for now, I'm my Daddy's "Morning Glory," and he's my "Sunshine." ♥Besitos
Apparently, he used to tell my Mom that. But since I was little, that's how he has told me "Good Morning." It's cute. And it's our thing. I tell him, "Good Morning Sunshine." When I was little and I didn't want to get out of bed, I've always hated mornings! My Dad would tell me "Morning, Morning Glory." And he would tickle me until he knew I was awake.
It was funny, because my Dad told me, that he better be the only "Sunshine" in my life. I wonder what my Dad is going to do when I bring home "The One." You know that is something that freaks me out. How am I ever going to introduce a man to my father. He will probably scare the poor guy away!
I always tell my parents, when I decide to get married, I'm going to elope. Then they will get to meet their son-in-law. But only after it's official. Because I fear that they would be so upset. At least my Dad would. It's tough being the baby of the family. People just don't get it. But for now, I'm my Daddy's "Morning Glory," and he's my "Sunshine." ♥Besitos
Amazing Days,
My Dad,
My Favorites
Friday, August 27, 2010
Brazil Butt Lift

A few weeks ago, I seen an infomercial for this exercise system. I'm not going to lie. It intrigued me! I workout a lot! And now that summer is coming to an end, I want to find something to do inside. Running in cold weather, it's tough. And I'm kinda sick of the gym.
In the past, I've used many different exercise videos and programs. This looks like a fun one. Not one that I would get bored easily with. I just might have to buy it. But I really need to stop watching infomercials. I watch them every single time I go visit my parents. ♥Besitos
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Green Chili

One of the joys about living where I do...is the fresh roasted green chili. It makes this heat all worth it! Hands down, it's the best. OMG! And it's all I could smell as I ran into the hospital today.
I think I'm going to have to go buy some. More like, I know I'm going to have to go buy a sack or 2. :) Yum! I know I must sound crazy. But nothing beats it.
I enjoy everything about chili season. It doesn't help that the Ranch where I work, they also grow chili. It's all I can think of right now. And the song "Tantita Pena." Which isn't good. Because I need to work. I know that my patients would feel better if I could concentrate on them. But I can't help thinking about a fresh tortilla with some green chili. :) ♥Besitos
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First of all, let me tell you something. When I have a little bit of time, and I know that I'm going to be busy, I write a few posts. And I put them on automatic post. You know. Like on a Monday. I might have some downtime. And I might write a few posts on my favorite items. And I schedule them to post on days, when I know that I'm going to be busy. And that's what I did this week. That's why, today you are going to get 2 rather long posts.
Because I picked up my friends' daughters from school. We went out to lunch. And then I took them home. Completely exhausted, I headed home. Where I fell asleep. Into a very deep sleep. For a few hours. With lots of happy dreams. :) This happens to be one of them...
Recently, I've been having lots of "realistic" dreams. Not that I do this things in real life. But that they feel like "real life". And usually, I know the people I'm dreaming about. Until today...
I was completely exhausted when I got home. So I turned on the radio. Put it low. And collapsed on my guest bed. Yes, I was that tired! And off to "Dreamland" I went.
My dream started off with me. In my house, cleaning. One, I cleaned a lot today. So it wasn't too strange. But 2, it wasn't my house. As in the home I live in. Rather, a nicer home. Which in my dream, was mine.
I cleaned and cleaned. Turns out, I was getting ready to move. It seemed sudden and rushed. But I packed. And cleaned. Ugh, there was so much to do. And my parents came to visit with an old friend. I distinctly remember closing lots of curtains, packing up my plants, and loving my old kitchen.
Before I knew it, we ended up at some sort of hunting lodge. With bikers. It was so weird. And we needed to get some stuff. Like food and essential items. But the bikers were going to kill us. So my parents sent me. Very typical. But my Dad got sick. So I was trying to deal with him. And with all these crazies. Thank goodness that my friend showed up when he did. I was seriously staring down a gun.
We managed to get whatever it was that we needed. I still have no clue what it was. But Zo and I, we were ready for some hunting. My parents, they decided to go hangout in my house. Then my old cheerleading coach appeared. And we were in some sort of warehouse. Fighting for our lives. Literally. Stupid bikers found us.
At this point, something woke me up. I turned around. I could hear some music on the radio. And I made a mental note of the song. (Keep on Loving You by Reba.) I really liked it. Go figure! Then I went back to sleep.
This time, I was in my brand new house. With a certain famous driver. Apparently, he had bought it for me. And he still hadn't met my parents. We talked. Got things in my house in some sort of order. You know me. Loves to clean. :)
And then he left. He had to go work. You know, drive. A very fast car. :) And my parents came over. They barely missed one another. But it was a good thing. I was getting ready for some sort of big event. I don't know what it was. But I was getting my hair and makeup done. A beautiful black dress was hanging in front of me too.
Next, I found myself at a high school dance. A fancy one. Much nicer than the ones I went to. And I was supposed to be a chaperon. Who was my date? The famous driver. He looked so amazing in his suit! And we were there. Having a great time. Dancing. Having fun. I'm not sure how much chaperoning we actually did...
I ran into some people I went to school with. More specifically, Tabitha. We went to elementary together. And she always thought she was better than me. She tripped over her feet when she saw my date. A literally said "What does he see in you?" Seriously? Yes...
Then my date scooped me up and gave me one of those breath taking kisses. Totally stolen from some dramatic and romantic movie. But whatever. It was part of my dream. Then we left the dance. Walked out these dramatic glass doors, and down these beautiful steps. Seriously, where were we?
As we walked to the car, we talked with the principal of the school. And some other friends. Oh, and I got to check out my amazing CL shoes. You can totally tell that this was a dream. But those shoes were amazing! They should be at the price that they sell them at!
My dream ended with me and the famous driver at my new house. Gorgeous! It seemed to have grown and gotten more beautiful while we were away. We made love to ____ and I woke up.
What a dream. Who dreams these things? And where do they come from? Someone? Anyone? Ugh! I've been dreaming a lot lately. But mostly about a certain musician. Like the 2 of us are married. Or we're going to have a baby. I'm going to say this is because I seen him recently. In person. But I didn't know what to do. So I walked in the opposite direction. Hoping that he hadn't seen me. Oh, and I've had lots of dreams about my brother killing me.
I know. Very dramatic. Death. Love. Marriage. Pregnancy. What is my mind telling me? Is my entire body screaming at me that my clock is ticking? Because I'm ignoring it. But I would like to have some peace of mind. To get some uninterrupted sleep. Some real rest. Although, these have been some nice little things playing through my head while I sleep. :) ♥Besitos
Because I picked up my friends' daughters from school. We went out to lunch. And then I took them home. Completely exhausted, I headed home. Where I fell asleep. Into a very deep sleep. For a few hours. With lots of happy dreams. :) This happens to be one of them...
Recently, I've been having lots of "realistic" dreams. Not that I do this things in real life. But that they feel like "real life". And usually, I know the people I'm dreaming about. Until today...
I was completely exhausted when I got home. So I turned on the radio. Put it low. And collapsed on my guest bed. Yes, I was that tired! And off to "Dreamland" I went.
My dream started off with me. In my house, cleaning. One, I cleaned a lot today. So it wasn't too strange. But 2, it wasn't my house. As in the home I live in. Rather, a nicer home. Which in my dream, was mine.
I cleaned and cleaned. Turns out, I was getting ready to move. It seemed sudden and rushed. But I packed. And cleaned. Ugh, there was so much to do. And my parents came to visit with an old friend. I distinctly remember closing lots of curtains, packing up my plants, and loving my old kitchen.
Before I knew it, we ended up at some sort of hunting lodge. With bikers. It was so weird. And we needed to get some stuff. Like food and essential items. But the bikers were going to kill us. So my parents sent me. Very typical. But my Dad got sick. So I was trying to deal with him. And with all these crazies. Thank goodness that my friend showed up when he did. I was seriously staring down a gun.
We managed to get whatever it was that we needed. I still have no clue what it was. But Zo and I, we were ready for some hunting. My parents, they decided to go hangout in my house. Then my old cheerleading coach appeared. And we were in some sort of warehouse. Fighting for our lives. Literally. Stupid bikers found us.
At this point, something woke me up. I turned around. I could hear some music on the radio. And I made a mental note of the song. (Keep on Loving You by Reba.) I really liked it. Go figure! Then I went back to sleep.
This time, I was in my brand new house. With a certain famous driver. Apparently, he had bought it for me. And he still hadn't met my parents. We talked. Got things in my house in some sort of order. You know me. Loves to clean. :)
And then he left. He had to go work. You know, drive. A very fast car. :) And my parents came over. They barely missed one another. But it was a good thing. I was getting ready for some sort of big event. I don't know what it was. But I was getting my hair and makeup done. A beautiful black dress was hanging in front of me too.
Next, I found myself at a high school dance. A fancy one. Much nicer than the ones I went to. And I was supposed to be a chaperon. Who was my date? The famous driver. He looked so amazing in his suit! And we were there. Having a great time. Dancing. Having fun. I'm not sure how much chaperoning we actually did...
I ran into some people I went to school with. More specifically, Tabitha. We went to elementary together. And she always thought she was better than me. She tripped over her feet when she saw my date. A literally said "What does he see in you?" Seriously? Yes...
Then my date scooped me up and gave me one of those breath taking kisses. Totally stolen from some dramatic and romantic movie. But whatever. It was part of my dream. Then we left the dance. Walked out these dramatic glass doors, and down these beautiful steps. Seriously, where were we?
As we walked to the car, we talked with the principal of the school. And some other friends. Oh, and I got to check out my amazing CL shoes. You can totally tell that this was a dream. But those shoes were amazing! They should be at the price that they sell them at!
My dream ended with me and the famous driver at my new house. Gorgeous! It seemed to have grown and gotten more beautiful while we were away. We made love to ____ and I woke up.
What a dream. Who dreams these things? And where do they come from? Someone? Anyone? Ugh! I've been dreaming a lot lately. But mostly about a certain musician. Like the 2 of us are married. Or we're going to have a baby. I'm going to say this is because I seen him recently. In person. But I didn't know what to do. So I walked in the opposite direction. Hoping that he hadn't seen me. Oh, and I've had lots of dreams about my brother killing me.
I know. Very dramatic. Death. Love. Marriage. Pregnancy. What is my mind telling me? Is my entire body screaming at me that my clock is ticking? Because I'm ignoring it. But I would like to have some peace of mind. To get some uninterrupted sleep. Some real rest. Although, these have been some nice little things playing through my head while I sleep. :) ♥Besitos
What Facebook Has Taught Me
I don't use Facebook much. Actually, I hardly ever use it. But last week, I finally signed on. And actually updated my page. Um, ya. I didn't even know that is was connected to my Twitter page. So my friends, followers, whatever you are called on Facebook, have been getting my Twitter updates.
I don't know why I finally signed up for Facebook. Or why it took me months, maybe 6 months, to finally update. But that's life. I didn't want to get sucked into it like I was MySpace. My friends and I were trying to use it to stay connected and updated on gigs. It didn't really work. Because, we weren't consistently checking our pages. Then we all stopped using MySpace.
Now we found twitter. And it works great. Everyone is always on. And we're staying connected. So no one signed up for Facebook. And I don't dedicate much, if any, time to it. But the other day, I was curious...
I signed on. Updated my page. Did a quick search. And that was it. Then, the following day, I needed to find an armonia player in "The City Different." Let me tell you, it was way easier on MySpace. On Facebook, you search. Then you have to become someone's friend. Then send them a message. And pray that they answer you in a somewhat timely manner. Ya, none of that happened.
But I did find some old college friends. I don't know why I didn't try and friend them. And even high school friends. I'm still in shock. You see, 2 of the girls I was closest to as a high school senior, are now married. One of the girls and I were supposed to live together in college. Then she decided she wanted to live in the dorms. And I had a house. Then she went on a stupid peda for 5 years. Every single time I seen her, she was stupid drunk. She even called me one night from across the border. She had gotten lost. And lost her car. It was like 3AM on a Wednesday...
Now she's married. Crazy thing, I seen her mom last Spring. And she didn't say a word. She got married 3 months ago. At the church where my parents go. And the other girl, we were also very close. She is now married with 2 kids! Am I the only one that is single with no kids? I'm in no rush, but seriously!
I think it's just weird. We were all so close at one time. I was supposed to live with one of them. The other was also a close friend. We spent so much time together. Both of these girls, I spent hours a day with. Because we had classes together, were in the same activities, and just liked to hang out. Then one day, we just didn't talk. I'm halfway tempted to friend them. But then, I have to remember how horrible both of them became. One of them stole a lot from me. Made my financial life a nightmare. Made my life in general, pretty miserable. The other, well, we won't go there.
But isn't it funny how life changes. Now I have friends that I can really depend on. People that I love. And who love me. It's a great feeling. But it was kind of nice to see a piece of these people's lives. And a few other people that I've met along the way.
I'm tempted to close my Facebook page. But I'm also tempted to leave it alone. It's a nice way to reconnect with certain people. And to just take a peek into the lives of people I once called friends. ♥Besitos
I don't know why I finally signed up for Facebook. Or why it took me months, maybe 6 months, to finally update. But that's life. I didn't want to get sucked into it like I was MySpace. My friends and I were trying to use it to stay connected and updated on gigs. It didn't really work. Because, we weren't consistently checking our pages. Then we all stopped using MySpace.
Now we found twitter. And it works great. Everyone is always on. And we're staying connected. So no one signed up for Facebook. And I don't dedicate much, if any, time to it. But the other day, I was curious...
I signed on. Updated my page. Did a quick search. And that was it. Then, the following day, I needed to find an armonia player in "The City Different." Let me tell you, it was way easier on MySpace. On Facebook, you search. Then you have to become someone's friend. Then send them a message. And pray that they answer you in a somewhat timely manner. Ya, none of that happened.
But I did find some old college friends. I don't know why I didn't try and friend them. And even high school friends. I'm still in shock. You see, 2 of the girls I was closest to as a high school senior, are now married. One of the girls and I were supposed to live together in college. Then she decided she wanted to live in the dorms. And I had a house. Then she went on a stupid peda for 5 years. Every single time I seen her, she was stupid drunk. She even called me one night from across the border. She had gotten lost. And lost her car. It was like 3AM on a Wednesday...
Now she's married. Crazy thing, I seen her mom last Spring. And she didn't say a word. She got married 3 months ago. At the church where my parents go. And the other girl, we were also very close. She is now married with 2 kids! Am I the only one that is single with no kids? I'm in no rush, but seriously!
I think it's just weird. We were all so close at one time. I was supposed to live with one of them. The other was also a close friend. We spent so much time together. Both of these girls, I spent hours a day with. Because we had classes together, were in the same activities, and just liked to hang out. Then one day, we just didn't talk. I'm halfway tempted to friend them. But then, I have to remember how horrible both of them became. One of them stole a lot from me. Made my financial life a nightmare. Made my life in general, pretty miserable. The other, well, we won't go there.
But isn't it funny how life changes. Now I have friends that I can really depend on. People that I love. And who love me. It's a great feeling. But it was kind of nice to see a piece of these people's lives. And a few other people that I've met along the way.
I'm tempted to close my Facebook page. But I'm also tempted to leave it alone. It's a nice way to reconnect with certain people. And to just take a peek into the lives of people I once called friends. ♥Besitos
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's been about a year since my neighbor died. She was an amazing woman. It was so sad. I didn't know that she had past away. At the same time that she died, my uncle also died. And I had gone home. It wasn't until about a month later, that I found out that my neighbor had past away. So sad!
1 year. Her husband has stayed strong. Their daughter and granddaughter moved in with him. He also has 2 friends there. And from time to time his son also stays there. You see, my neighbor was in her early 50s. And was having stomach issues. We'd sit and talk many nights in our yards. And I'd encourage her to see a doctor. She never did. Until the end. The day that she went in, they gave her less than 6 months. A week later, she had died.
It was a short time. An extremely short time. And I never got to say goodbye. I know, she left me with a feeling of loss. I miss her. I miss seeing her smile. Talking about her granddaughter. Sharing recipes. And just having a nice talk. It's been a year. And I can only imagine the pain the family still feels.
Slowly but surely, they've been selling their stuff. About a month ago, lots of stuff went to the trash. And lots is being sold on Craig's List. It makes me sad. To know that one day, all of us will just be but a memory.
I'm also sad because it isn't looking good. I think, it's weird that they're selling all their furniture. Who does that? I don't know. But to me, it looks as though they may be in the process of moving. Which is incredibly sad.
These were the first of my neighbors that I met. Incredibly kind. Always willing, able, and excited to help out. They made me smile and laugh. J was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. And it's been a pleasure to live next door. I just hope that my neighbor is not moving. What an incredible loss that would be. ♥Besitos
1 year. Her husband has stayed strong. Their daughter and granddaughter moved in with him. He also has 2 friends there. And from time to time his son also stays there. You see, my neighbor was in her early 50s. And was having stomach issues. We'd sit and talk many nights in our yards. And I'd encourage her to see a doctor. She never did. Until the end. The day that she went in, they gave her less than 6 months. A week later, she had died.
It was a short time. An extremely short time. And I never got to say goodbye. I know, she left me with a feeling of loss. I miss her. I miss seeing her smile. Talking about her granddaughter. Sharing recipes. And just having a nice talk. It's been a year. And I can only imagine the pain the family still feels.
Slowly but surely, they've been selling their stuff. About a month ago, lots of stuff went to the trash. And lots is being sold on Craig's List. It makes me sad. To know that one day, all of us will just be but a memory.
I'm also sad because it isn't looking good. I think, it's weird that they're selling all their furniture. Who does that? I don't know. But to me, it looks as though they may be in the process of moving. Which is incredibly sad.
These were the first of my neighbors that I met. Incredibly kind. Always willing, able, and excited to help out. They made me smile and laugh. J was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. And it's been a pleasure to live next door. I just hope that my neighbor is not moving. What an incredible loss that would be. ♥Besitos
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Edie Sedgwick Inspired Makeup
I happen to be a fan of Edie Sedgwick. And I really like this makeup. It's definitely not your everyday kind of look. But I think it would be fun to wear for a performance.
I think it's mostly because I love Old Hollywood. There is something about it. The glamour, the history, the character. But this is a nice, fun, and interesting look. Now to just find an event to wear it to... ♥Besitos
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mi Cucu
Mi Cucu...or how I came to know it as a small girl..."Don't Mess with My Tutu." I don't even know who the recording was by. All I can remember is, a man sang the song. And I swear to you, it was a country western song. But it was mine song, because my grandma said so. I know. Weird choice for a 3 year old. But there you go.
I would go around my grandparents' house singing and dancing to this song. For hours...even days! I was a bit of a dorky kid. But this was my song. I'm pretty sure that the recording that they had was by a country singer. But don't quote me on that.
Then I got older. And I became a musician. And my good friend and fellow musician so, he had a wise idea. I should sing this song in spanish. Hello! We were already jamming to "Who Let the Dogs Out." So there you go. My song came to life again. Can you tell we had A LOT of fun at work?
Funny how those things happen. Then I became known for this song! It was so weird. And in every Mariachi I've ever played in, I've had to sing this song. And then it crossed over, to the other genres of music that I perform. I think my dancing skills also add to the fun of this song. :)
The crazy thing is, I still like going to my grandparents house and listening to the 8-track recording. Yes, I told you it was old! The label has fallen off. And I have no idea who recorded it. But it brings back so many memories.
I don't know why I woke up thinking about this song. But I did. Go figure! But I found this video and had it playing as I got ready this morning. A bit weird. But I enjoyed it. It's definitely a fun song to dance to. Too bad I'm here alone. With no dance partner...AGAIN!
Now, I need to go get ready for my niece's birthday party. Yes, it's at a weird time...11AM. And I still need to wrap her presents. And sign her card. Oh, and drive the hour to my brother's house. Happy Saturday! ♥Besitos
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tantita Pena
Funny how I seen him today. And all I could think about was his lips. And 1:45 of this video. Doesn't help that he has grown out his hair, is a musician, and has a voice to die for! I wanted to talk to him. But oh ya, I got soaked by the kind firemen of "The City Different."
Oh ya, and that fireman, why do I always see him when I come here? It's just strange. Yes, he asked me out when I was younger. But I was 16 and he was 21. A little illegal in our state. I could have imagined what my Dad would have done.
But back to the man...he looked amazing. I wanted to talk to him. Then the light bulb went off in my head. Um, hello! He plays the guitar. I'm sure he would enjoy this gig. And the money. Too bad my white shirt was drenched. And you could see through it! My bra was clearly visible. And I was running to my car. He would be perfect for this gig. Then maybe just maybe, I'd finally get to talk to him...
But it didn't happen. When I got to my car, Zo called me. And I told him about the entire situation. He told me that I should have just went to talk to him. Maybe he would have just taken the job. hahaha Zo is a funny one! If it had been Zo, he would have taken the job. :P
But seriously, I know at one time I had a phone number for him. Other than that one, to the apartment, where he no longer lives. Oh ya. I could make a quick call to an old teacher. I know he has the number. But then...what do I say?
Now I'm at my parent's house. Calling every musician I know. But he's on my mind. And this video. Why do I make life so complicated for myself? ♥Besitos
All Out Failures,
Being Shy,
My Favorites,
The City Different...Emergency Trip
Last night, I got the call. I had to come to "The City Different." For two reasons. Both work related. One, I needed to update my hospital credentials. That's what I'm doing at the moment. It's so boring. Taking a long time. But so much of a necessity. You know how that goes...
Secondly, I'm on a mission to find an armonia player. Today. Because I have a gig on Monday. And I need someone to play while I sing. Do you know of anyone that would be interested? I could use all the help I can get. Seriously! And it pays $5,000!
My boss called me last night to tell me. I need to find someone today. I have 1 guy's number. But he's not answering. And a friend suggested that I go hang out at the Plaza. I think that would have worked last weekend. But do musicians just kinda hang out there? I don't know. But this afternoon, I will find out. :)
Other than that, not much else on my agenda. I still need to buy my niece something for her birthday. Her party is tomorrow. And I'm thinking about Upper Crust for lunch today. I used to go there all the time in high school. Silly me. :) But it just sounds good.
Other than that, it's just me. Over dressed. In a pencil skirt, button down white blouse, and red peep toes. Yes, I get graded on my clothes. So I'm always dressed up. But I'm feeling way over dressed today. Just wait until I have to go downtown later. This is going to be interesting. ..
But again, I'm in love with this city. Too bad it's so expensive to live here. Oh, and that my college isn't here. Because I would seriously like to move out here. Maybe then, I could get back into full time Mariachi playing. ♥Besitos
Secondly, I'm on a mission to find an armonia player. Today. Because I have a gig on Monday. And I need someone to play while I sing. Do you know of anyone that would be interested? I could use all the help I can get. Seriously! And it pays $5,000!
My boss called me last night to tell me. I need to find someone today. I have 1 guy's number. But he's not answering. And a friend suggested that I go hang out at the Plaza. I think that would have worked last weekend. But do musicians just kinda hang out there? I don't know. But this afternoon, I will find out. :)
Other than that, not much else on my agenda. I still need to buy my niece something for her birthday. Her party is tomorrow. And I'm thinking about Upper Crust for lunch today. I used to go there all the time in high school. Silly me. :) But it just sounds good.
Other than that, it's just me. Over dressed. In a pencil skirt, button down white blouse, and red peep toes. Yes, I get graded on my clothes. So I'm always dressed up. But I'm feeling way over dressed today. Just wait until I have to go downtown later. This is going to be interesting. ..
But again, I'm in love with this city. Too bad it's so expensive to live here. Oh, and that my college isn't here. Because I would seriously like to move out here. Maybe then, I could get back into full time Mariachi playing. ♥Besitos
Hometown Love,
Hospital Work,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
As Requested...
I do believe that my boss might have had a serious crush on Selena. Did you watch this video? Well, if you've ever seen pictures of Selena, a concert, or a music video...you know that she liked to wear bustiers. Or like my other boss referred to them...sparkly bras.
My boss has requested that I wear one, for our gigs in October/November. Hmmm...
I'm just not sure I can pull it off. I do like lots of the outfits that Selena wore. But seriously, she just had that flare. Something that I'm lacking. So only time will tell. I'm just grateful that I've been working out so much lately. I probably should lay off of eating at Barela's though. Because if I have to wear a little outfit like that, I want to be in good shape. At least, with all the working out, I won't be so self conscience of my body. ♥Besitos
Kinda Stressed Out...
So I knew it was a bad idea to get sucked into staying up north for 2 weeks. Well, close to 2 weeks. Whatever...
I came home, my entire garden was dead. So are my flowers. All expect the morning glories. I guess I'll never make it as a farmer's wife. :)
I start classes today. And I got a call at 1AM. My boss from Sin City. I need to find a guitar player in "The City Different." By Monday or something nuts like that. Remind me again, that I can't just leave for that long again. I need to remember that. And where am I going to find a guitar player? Anyone interested? 2 gigs...6 hours total...$5,000. Let me know if you can make it.
Oh, and it poured last night. Seriously! My roof is still leaking. I don't know what to do. I'm officially broke because it's the beginning of the semester. And I'm praying for some more gigs. That's the only reason I'm going up north again. Well, that's a lie. My little niece is turning 2. And I'm going to her birthday party on Saturday. I know. I'm nuts!
A good friend of mine, actually, one of the LBs is getting married. In 5 weeks! And another good friend is getting married in Sin City in a month. I just agreed to go sing for that wedding. Don't forget...my best friend is also having a baby. In less than 2 months. I'm planning the baby shower. Which is across the country. I know. I'm nuts! Can I possibly agree to anything else?
On a good note, I'm home. I slept in my own bed. Had privacy. A hot shower. And I'm one day closer to graduating. Weird thing...I've been dreaming about this one guy. I met him when I first started college. We never really talked. But I liked him. For about a month now, I've been dreaming about him. I think it's a little weird. But I think it's because I seen him about a month ago...
Now I need to get my butt going. I have to walk to school. We're not going to get into that. But I will say this, at least it keeps me in shape. I'm going to need it. I'm going back to "The City Different" in about a week. And I need to be all dressed in heels and everything. Running up and down hills. The joys of being a mujer! ♥Besitos
I came home, my entire garden was dead. So are my flowers. All expect the morning glories. I guess I'll never make it as a farmer's wife. :)
I start classes today. And I got a call at 1AM. My boss from Sin City. I need to find a guitar player in "The City Different." By Monday or something nuts like that. Remind me again, that I can't just leave for that long again. I need to remember that. And where am I going to find a guitar player? Anyone interested? 2 gigs...6 hours total...$5,000. Let me know if you can make it.
Oh, and it poured last night. Seriously! My roof is still leaking. I don't know what to do. I'm officially broke because it's the beginning of the semester. And I'm praying for some more gigs. That's the only reason I'm going up north again. Well, that's a lie. My little niece is turning 2. And I'm going to her birthday party on Saturday. I know. I'm nuts!
A good friend of mine, actually, one of the LBs is getting married. In 5 weeks! And another good friend is getting married in Sin City in a month. I just agreed to go sing for that wedding. Don't forget...my best friend is also having a baby. In less than 2 months. I'm planning the baby shower. Which is across the country. I know. I'm nuts! Can I possibly agree to anything else?
On a good note, I'm home. I slept in my own bed. Had privacy. A hot shower. And I'm one day closer to graduating. Weird thing...I've been dreaming about this one guy. I met him when I first started college. We never really talked. But I liked him. For about a month now, I've been dreaming about him. I think it's a little weird. But I think it's because I seen him about a month ago...
Now I need to get my butt going. I have to walk to school. We're not going to get into that. But I will say this, at least it keeps me in shape. I'm going to need it. I'm going back to "The City Different" in about a week. And I need to be all dressed in heels and everything. Running up and down hills. The joys of being a mujer! ♥Besitos
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I can't believe summer is pretty much over. I never went camping. Not once! What is wrong with me? I had all these plans. My friends and I were going to go camping. We had plans to fish. Zo and I even went to the shooting range. In hopes of a little hunting. We thought about going to the Ranch for a week. Maybe doing some hiking. Heck, we even considered renting a cabin. But we never did...
Me? I stressed out all summer long. I worked. I tried to figure out what I was going to do this semester. I dealt with my brother. And I never once went camping. In my books, that's a total failure!
So I start my classes tomorrow. So much is still uncertain. The next month or so is going to be nuts. And I kinda just want to call up some friends and plan a mini camping trip. Even if it's just for a day or 2. I like sleeping under the stars. Walking up with dirt in my sleeping bag. And wondering how it got there. Camp fire food is also quite tasty!
Did you have any summer plans that just didn't happen? Trips that you planned, things you wanted to do, that sort of thing? I know I had a lot that I wanted to do. But these family issues keep bringing me down. Well, if nothing else, I want to go camping before the snow starts to fall. At least then, I won't feel so bad. ♥Besitos
All Out Failures,
My Favorites,
The Great Outdoors
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Busy as Heck!
It's been a bit crazy around here. I should be at my home. Getting ready for a new semester. But I'm still at my parents' house. They start the new work year tomorrow. They've had a couple of in-service days so far. But the big day is tomorrow. Which means a ton of work! And I've been busy. Oh so busy. :)
Yes, as much as I HATE this company. I'm here. Doing lots and lots of paperwork. Getting everything together. And answering the phones. My parents are out picking up equipment. And I'm here. Enduring it all. Including the heat. I just want to crawl in a hole. Because these phones are never ending!
But I'm heading home tomorrow. I have to. No more puddling about. I have to go clean my yard. I can just imagine the jungle it has turned into. And I start classes on Thursday. You have no idea how much I don't want to go back. But I must. I need to graduate in my lifetime.
Honestly, at the moment, all I can think about is eating. I missed breakfast. And lunch. It's been that busy. And I haven't been sleeping well lately. So I'm honestly ready to head home. To sleep in my bed. Shower in my bathroom. And just have some much needed privacy. The couch isn't too fun. But it's been a fun trip home. And I'm glad I could be here to help my parents. I just wish I could do more. ♥Besitos
Yes, as much as I HATE this company. I'm here. Doing lots and lots of paperwork. Getting everything together. And answering the phones. My parents are out picking up equipment. And I'm here. Enduring it all. Including the heat. I just want to crawl in a hole. Because these phones are never ending!
But I'm heading home tomorrow. I have to. No more puddling about. I have to go clean my yard. I can just imagine the jungle it has turned into. And I start classes on Thursday. You have no idea how much I don't want to go back. But I must. I need to graduate in my lifetime.
Honestly, at the moment, all I can think about is eating. I missed breakfast. And lunch. It's been that busy. And I haven't been sleeping well lately. So I'm honestly ready to head home. To sleep in my bed. Shower in my bathroom. And just have some much needed privacy. The couch isn't too fun. But it's been a fun trip home. And I'm glad I could be here to help my parents. I just wish I could do more. ♥Besitos
Monday, August 16, 2010
This my friends, is one of my favorite "Mom and Pop," "hole in the wall" restaurants that I love! Doesn't hurt that I grew up less than 5 minutes away. Heck, it's about a 2 minute drive from my parent's house.

Just looking at this picture makes me hungry. For a tortilla burger. Or chicharrones. Even huevos rancheros. And I don't like breakfast. But this breakfast is amazing!

Just look at that plate! It makes me so hungry. Yes, I like to go eat there. After a yummy breakfast, you can walk across the street and spend a few hours at the Cultural Center. Which I love too! There may or may not be some pictures of me and my family there too... :)
But this is definitely one of my favorite places to eat. It just screams home to me. Probably because I have so many great memories of the place. I love going with my parents. And with my friends. We like to eat outside. We tend to be a little loud when we get together. Then we'd head down the road to a local music shop. Or head out to play gigs. Heck, I remember a handful of times my friends and I would go to the Zoo after a yummy breakfast.
And if you don't believe me, the place is always packed! During the week, business men come in, wearing their suits and ties. And a bib! You gotta make sure you don't get the chili on your work clothes. On Saturday mornings, the line is out the door. No lie! Those are probably the only mornings I get up early. Just to go have a chicharron and bean burrito. ♥Besitos

Just looking at this picture makes me hungry. For a tortilla burger. Or chicharrones. Even huevos rancheros. And I don't like breakfast. But this breakfast is amazing!

Just look at that plate! It makes me so hungry. Yes, I like to go eat there. After a yummy breakfast, you can walk across the street and spend a few hours at the Cultural Center. Which I love too! There may or may not be some pictures of me and my family there too... :)
But this is definitely one of my favorite places to eat. It just screams home to me. Probably because I have so many great memories of the place. I love going with my parents. And with my friends. We like to eat outside. We tend to be a little loud when we get together. Then we'd head down the road to a local music shop. Or head out to play gigs. Heck, I remember a handful of times my friends and I would go to the Zoo after a yummy breakfast.
And if you don't believe me, the place is always packed! During the week, business men come in, wearing their suits and ties. And a bib! You gotta make sure you don't get the chili on your work clothes. On Saturday mornings, the line is out the door. No lie! Those are probably the only mornings I get up early. Just to go have a chicharron and bean burrito. ♥Besitos
Amazing Days,
Hometown Love,
My Favorites
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The City Different
Today, my parents and I decided to head up north. My Mom needed to get away. And we had heard that the Indian Market was happening this weekend. So after church and breakfast, we headed north.
An hour later, my Mom and I were trying to find a parking. There were so many people in town. We hadn't forgot about the Church Celebration. But we didn't think that there would be that many people there.
My Dad's leg is still bothering him. So we met up with him and walked him to the Plaza. Where he sat and watched people while my Mom and I looked around. We did a little bit of shopping not much. Just a few things for my best friend's baby girl. Who will be here before we know it! And my mom bought me a little jewelry box. Mostly, we just enjoyed looking at all the shops. And getting so many ideas for our upcoming Craft Fair.
By the time we got back to my Dad, he had found some good entertainment. "Balloon Man." If you live in the area, do you know him? He was...well, let's say, he was different. And interesting. But the kids enjoyed all the balloons he made them. One little girl was fascinated by him. And walked away with about 5 different balloon animals and flowers.
It was hot day though. And we were hungry. Honestly, we couldn't decide between the Fajita tacos and ice cream. But the heat won out. And we decided on some ice cream. You have to try the pineapple coconut. It's delicious! It tastes just like a Pina Colada. :) Although, it is a very soft ice cream. And almost immediately, the scoop fell over. And I had a ice cream cone in a cup. A little messy. But delicious! I don't know the name of the place. But it's the only ice cream shop in the main plaza.
We also managed to see the church precession. Which was very nice. And it was nice to just get out and see something new. We never made it to any of the Indian Market festivities. And we only encountered one extremely rude lady. I was going to buy a bracelet. And I guess she thought I didn't understand spanish. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm very light complected. After she insulted me in spanish, I said screw it. I didn't need to buy her $200 bracelet. But the day was a lot of fun. I just wish we could have found some Mariachis to listen to. I've been craving some good music.
My Dad was clearly hungry by this time. It was around 5PM. So we decided to head out for some dinner. I was praying that we'd stop at Tomacita's. It happens to be one of my favorite restaurants around. But my parents were wanting to go to the Casino.
We headed back south. And maybe 45 minutes later, we were having dinner. I do believe, I was the only one that ate though. My parents were ready to gamble. And they didn't eat much. Honestly, they had little more than a salad. So while I ate, they hit the slots. We didn't stay a long time. Just a couple of hours. But we had a lot of fun.
We also ran into a cousin of mine and his girlfriend. They're were really winning. In all, I probably lost $3. Which is not bad. And I had a yummy dinner. My parents had a blast! And when we finally decided to leave, we walked out and found that it was pouring!
My Mom and I ran to the car. We still got soaked. But we laughed the entire way. And after we picked up my Dad, we got lost. Yes, between the parking lot and the Valet parking. But all was good and we made it home safely. We actually just got home a few minutes ago.
It was such a fun day. Mostly because I got to spend time with my parents. Which I don't get to do often. And I didn't have to worry about anything. That was also nice. I know that I'm heading back north in about a week. And I'm so excited! It's for work and school. But there are a few shops I want to go to. I really like the city. I honestly wish I could live there. ♥Besitos
An hour later, my Mom and I were trying to find a parking. There were so many people in town. We hadn't forgot about the Church Celebration. But we didn't think that there would be that many people there.
My Dad's leg is still bothering him. So we met up with him and walked him to the Plaza. Where he sat and watched people while my Mom and I looked around. We did a little bit of shopping not much. Just a few things for my best friend's baby girl. Who will be here before we know it! And my mom bought me a little jewelry box. Mostly, we just enjoyed looking at all the shops. And getting so many ideas for our upcoming Craft Fair.
By the time we got back to my Dad, he had found some good entertainment. "Balloon Man." If you live in the area, do you know him? He was...well, let's say, he was different. And interesting. But the kids enjoyed all the balloons he made them. One little girl was fascinated by him. And walked away with about 5 different balloon animals and flowers.
It was hot day though. And we were hungry. Honestly, we couldn't decide between the Fajita tacos and ice cream. But the heat won out. And we decided on some ice cream. You have to try the pineapple coconut. It's delicious! It tastes just like a Pina Colada. :) Although, it is a very soft ice cream. And almost immediately, the scoop fell over. And I had a ice cream cone in a cup. A little messy. But delicious! I don't know the name of the place. But it's the only ice cream shop in the main plaza.
We also managed to see the church precession. Which was very nice. And it was nice to just get out and see something new. We never made it to any of the Indian Market festivities. And we only encountered one extremely rude lady. I was going to buy a bracelet. And I guess she thought I didn't understand spanish. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm very light complected. After she insulted me in spanish, I said screw it. I didn't need to buy her $200 bracelet. But the day was a lot of fun. I just wish we could have found some Mariachis to listen to. I've been craving some good music.
My Dad was clearly hungry by this time. It was around 5PM. So we decided to head out for some dinner. I was praying that we'd stop at Tomacita's. It happens to be one of my favorite restaurants around. But my parents were wanting to go to the Casino.
We headed back south. And maybe 45 minutes later, we were having dinner. I do believe, I was the only one that ate though. My parents were ready to gamble. And they didn't eat much. Honestly, they had little more than a salad. So while I ate, they hit the slots. We didn't stay a long time. Just a couple of hours. But we had a lot of fun.
We also ran into a cousin of mine and his girlfriend. They're were really winning. In all, I probably lost $3. Which is not bad. And I had a yummy dinner. My parents had a blast! And when we finally decided to leave, we walked out and found that it was pouring!
My Mom and I ran to the car. We still got soaked. But we laughed the entire way. And after we picked up my Dad, we got lost. Yes, between the parking lot and the Valet parking. But all was good and we made it home safely. We actually just got home a few minutes ago.
It was such a fun day. Mostly because I got to spend time with my parents. Which I don't get to do often. And I didn't have to worry about anything. That was also nice. I know that I'm heading back north in about a week. And I'm so excited! It's for work and school. But there are a few shops I want to go to. I really like the city. I honestly wish I could live there. ♥Besitos
Amazing Days,
Hometown Love,
My Favorites,
My Parents,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Today my parents and I headed out to the Salsa Festival. You know, there was a salsa contest. Yum! Not only did everything smell good, it tasted good too!

But it was about much more than bowls of salsa. Although, many of them were extra yummy!

There was tons of amazing Salsa music. We have some really good local Salsa bands. :) And it made me want to dance so badly! Where were all my favorite dance partners?

And of course, there was Salsa dancing! They even did a mini dance lesson. So if you didn't know how to dance to the Salsa music, you would quickly learn. Very cool!
Something that people might not know, I love to go Salsa dancing! A few years ago, I used to go dancing at one of the hotels where I know live. They have a weekly night of Salsa dancing. It was so much fun!
Today we had an incredibly fun day! I'm glad that we decided to come. It was so hot. And there was definitely a little bit of a snag. When we had to run and move my parents' car. They started towing cars. But we had a great time. Too bad it is only a 1 day event. ♥Besitos

But it was about much more than bowls of salsa. Although, many of them were extra yummy!

There was tons of amazing Salsa music. We have some really good local Salsa bands. :) And it made me want to dance so badly! Where were all my favorite dance partners?

And of course, there was Salsa dancing! They even did a mini dance lesson. So if you didn't know how to dance to the Salsa music, you would quickly learn. Very cool!
Something that people might not know, I love to go Salsa dancing! A few years ago, I used to go dancing at one of the hotels where I know live. They have a weekly night of Salsa dancing. It was so much fun!
Today we had an incredibly fun day! I'm glad that we decided to come. It was so hot. And there was definitely a little bit of a snag. When we had to run and move my parents' car. They started towing cars. But we had a great time. Too bad it is only a 1 day event. ♥Besitos
Hometown Love,
My Favorites,
My Parents
Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. Are you scared? I'm not. I like this date. Even though lots of people keep telling me that it's bad luck. I don't believe it!
The number 13 is supposed to be incomplete. Not regular. Bad luck. Have you ever heard of the saying, "13 seated at dinner. 1 won't make it past." Do you believe it?
People always talk about not starting journeys, new ventures, or big financial projects on Friday the 13th. It makes me wonder...
But I still don't believe that one day, can have this much of an impact on people's lives. But I guess, only time will tell. Let's see if I make it to tomorrow.
Oh, and a good friend of mine is going to be going through a big test today. Please pray for her. Let's see if the 13th day will have a horrible effect on our lives. ♥Besitos
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Eating Alone
I was recently asked this question..."Do you feel weird eating out alone?" I have to say no. But I've also lived on my own for 9 years. And growing up, my parents were not around much. They worked all the time. Yes, I've had roommates off and on. I also have a lot of amazing friends. But I still go out to eat alone sometimes.
I never feel weird or uncomfortable. But I will say this, other people tend to feel weird about it. I don't know why. But they do. It's like sitting there, it makes them uncomfortable. Why? I have no clue.
I do have my limits though. I won't go to a big restaurant alone. A place like Red Lobster or PF Changs. Or to events like the Participant Dinner At the LC Mariachi Conference. That's just too weird for me.
Sometimes I find it weirder to go with people too. Like when I was tricked into Winter Ball as a senior in high school. I was supposed to go with a group of friends. Then I found myself with a date. That was just weird. Or when we do these big dinners for the hospital. Suddenly I find that one of the single doctors has become my date. It's just weird.
So I have a question. If you are single, do you ever go out alone? And I'm not talking shopping or movies. That's easy to do alone. But going out to eat. Or to big events. Why do people always feel the need to have someone with them at big events, fiestas, dances, weddings, dinner, etc. I just find that some days, I want to be alone. Like I crave it. I have a feeling it's because I'm always around people. But sometimes, it's just nice to go out to dinner by yourself. ♥Besitos
I never feel weird or uncomfortable. But I will say this, other people tend to feel weird about it. I don't know why. But they do. It's like sitting there, it makes them uncomfortable. Why? I have no clue.
I do have my limits though. I won't go to a big restaurant alone. A place like Red Lobster or PF Changs. Or to events like the Participant Dinner At the LC Mariachi Conference. That's just too weird for me.
Sometimes I find it weirder to go with people too. Like when I was tricked into Winter Ball as a senior in high school. I was supposed to go with a group of friends. Then I found myself with a date. That was just weird. Or when we do these big dinners for the hospital. Suddenly I find that one of the single doctors has become my date. It's just weird.
So I have a question. If you are single, do you ever go out alone? And I'm not talking shopping or movies. That's easy to do alone. But going out to eat. Or to big events. Why do people always feel the need to have someone with them at big events, fiestas, dances, weddings, dinner, etc. I just find that some days, I want to be alone. Like I crave it. I have a feeling it's because I'm always around people. But sometimes, it's just nice to go out to dinner by yourself. ♥Besitos
Single Mujer
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Seaside Squares Baby Blanket

I don't know if I've mentioned it, I'm sure I have, but my best friend is expecting her first baby. A little girl. In October. And I'm going to be her Nina. :)
So to say that I'm going to spoil the little princess, well that's the biggest understatement of the century! I've been working on so many different things lately! And I just found this crochet pattern. I think I just might have to make 1 more blanket. After all, babies can't ever have too many blankets! ♥Besitos
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My parents and I ended up at the Casino tonight. How? I don't know. Um, I was supposed to have gone home. Yesterday. But there I was. At the Casino. Playing some Jungle Fever machine. Don't worry, I didn't lose my pants. Only a few dollars.
Mostly, I wanted to eat at the buffet. Is that strange? I like to go eat at the various Casinos around here. They have such good food. And my parents like to gamble. So that's usually what I do. Go with my parents. Play the machines for a little while. And eat some yummy food!
My parents on the other hand, well they enjoy the machines. They use the whole dinner thing as an excuse to go to the Casino. :) "Dinner" ended up over 8 hours long. In reality, dinner was maybe an hour long. That's how long my parents played the machines for! I think they're a little addicted. Do you ever go to the casinos?
Oh, and we met some really nice people at the buffet. They're actually selling their home. And maybe, just maybe, my brother will buy it. Let's see. It sounds like a nice home. In the NW part of our state. So who knows. Isn't it funny the people you run into at the Casino? And the funny thing is, this man grew up with my grandma! Some 70 something years ago. :)
Well, I should get. We just got home a few minutes ago. And I need to wash my face and brush my teeth. I also have a HUGE urge to practice. As in my vocals. So who knows. I might have to go sit out in the backyard for a little while. ♥Besitos
Monday, August 9, 2010
Days in the Symphony
When I sit and think about symphonic playing, I have some very mixed memories. When I was young, and first began playing the violin, I loved the symphony. Classical music was all I could think about! I LOVED playing in the AYS program. Loved our conductors. And one of my teacher's sons and I, became really good friends. I met some of the most amazing people. Lifelong friends. :)
Then fast forward to college. I HATED playing in the symphony. Absolutely HATED IT! Our conductor was rude and racist. But I dealt. It didn't hurt that I had an amazing stand partner. We were seated at the back. No matter what we did. That's where we sat. But it was A OK!
What did we do? Joked around. He laughed. Made jokes. He would write all over the music. Draw pictures of "Woody Woodpecker." He would teach me various Mariachi stuff. We talked to the flutists. They sat on one side of us. We chatted with the percussion. And we tried our hardest not to have our ears blown out by them.
That is what we did. We knew our music. We were on top of it. But it never mattered. And the people. Oh they were horrible. Besides our professor, and maybe 2 other string players, no one ever really talked to you. That was life.
Then I left it all behind. And I missed it all! I would sub in various symphonies from time to time. And in the SFO. Which was so fun. But that is a whole other tale. To me, symphony playing can be horrific! The people tend to be rude. And look down on you. You get lost in the scene. And honestly, 90% of the time, you don't even connect with the music. But I would never change my experience. It's helped to shape me as a performer. ♥Besitos
Then fast forward to college. I HATED playing in the symphony. Absolutely HATED IT! Our conductor was rude and racist. But I dealt. It didn't hurt that I had an amazing stand partner. We were seated at the back. No matter what we did. That's where we sat. But it was A OK!
What did we do? Joked around. He laughed. Made jokes. He would write all over the music. Draw pictures of "Woody Woodpecker." He would teach me various Mariachi stuff. We talked to the flutists. They sat on one side of us. We chatted with the percussion. And we tried our hardest not to have our ears blown out by them.
That is what we did. We knew our music. We were on top of it. But it never mattered. And the people. Oh they were horrible. Besides our professor, and maybe 2 other string players, no one ever really talked to you. That was life.
Then I left it all behind. And I missed it all! I would sub in various symphonies from time to time. And in the SFO. Which was so fun. But that is a whole other tale. To me, symphony playing can be horrific! The people tend to be rude. And look down on you. You get lost in the scene. And honestly, 90% of the time, you don't even connect with the music. But I would never change my experience. It's helped to shape me as a performer. ♥Besitos
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Last Day

Today was the last day of our Church Fiestas. Is it OK to say that I was disappointed? Over the last few years, it's been hit or miss if I come. I just have had so much work at the hospital. It's tough to get away. But this year, I really wanted to be here.
First the food wasn't all that great. It was much better last year. The fact that I needed a fork and knife to cut through my sopapilla, that was a bad sign. After all, it was drenched in chili and beans. And they ran out of so much early today. Like hamburgers, burritos, and snow cones. How does that happen?
The King and Queen...along with their Court, don't work half as hard as we had to. Do you know that I had to raise over $10,000 to be the Queen? We worked hard. For months and months! This year, they wrote a letter. Yes, a letter! And the committee picked the best one.
Then this afternoon it poured. In the middle of my dinner. Rain was coming in buckets! And there was a horrible band playing. We all had to pile up under the tents, water dripping everywhere. And listening to this band. It was so bad!
What happened to Red Wine? Or any of the good music? Because they were not here. Yes, last night, The Garrapatas played. And we're not even going to get into that. Maybe another day. But the music was amazing! I even got a free CD. I didn't steal it. One of the musicians gave it to me. With a little extra note inside... But today, the entertainment was horrible!
I guess I was just disappointed in the entire thing. We did enjoy ourselves. But you can see where lots of traditions are falling to the wayside. Oh, and our good friends didn't make it either. That was one of the main reasons I came home. I just hope they are OK.
In the end, it was a 50-50 deal. But I'm glad I got to come. I spent time with my parents. I saw family, that I haven't seen in forever! And I got to see some good friends. Oh, and my Mom and I won all but 1 of our Silent Auctions. So I guess I can't complain too much! ♥Besitos
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Church Parade and Fiestas
Today, my parents and my aunt and uncle were in our Church Fiesta Parade. Something I did for a while. Because I was the Fiesta Queen. And for about 5 years, I had to be in the parade. Always a lot of fun. But now, my parents are in it. Because they have an old car. And they like to go to various parades and Car Shows.
Then we went to the Fiestas. The whole reason I came home this weekend. So much fun! I still wasn't feeling 100%. But I wanted a Fiesta Burger. Still haven't met a better burger than the ones from our fiestas. My Mom and I also bet on a few things in the Silent Auction. They are so many gorgeous things!
And we listened to lots of great music! Oh, we also shared a burrito. And some popcorn. Which was so yummy! So many friends were there. And we had a great time! Did I mention the music? Ya, it was really good.
But the highlight of my day, was seeing my 2 uncles. One of which, is not doing so well. And he was really excited to see my Dad. So that was good. Then my other uncle (who lost his wife, my Auntie, in March) was so happy to just be out of the house. We really enjoyed just talking.
So tomorrow, we have mass out in the Fiesta grounds. Then another day of the fiestas. I'm pretty excited! The weather has been holding out. So far! But it's supposed to rain tomorrow. ♥Besitos
Then we went to the Fiestas. The whole reason I came home this weekend. So much fun! I still wasn't feeling 100%. But I wanted a Fiesta Burger. Still haven't met a better burger than the ones from our fiestas. My Mom and I also bet on a few things in the Silent Auction. They are so many gorgeous things!
And we listened to lots of great music! Oh, we also shared a burrito. And some popcorn. Which was so yummy! So many friends were there. And we had a great time! Did I mention the music? Ya, it was really good.
But the highlight of my day, was seeing my 2 uncles. One of which, is not doing so well. And he was really excited to see my Dad. So that was good. Then my other uncle (who lost his wife, my Auntie, in March) was so happy to just be out of the house. We really enjoyed just talking.
So tomorrow, we have mass out in the Fiesta grounds. Then another day of the fiestas. I'm pretty excited! The weather has been holding out. So far! But it's supposed to rain tomorrow. ♥Besitos
Amazing Days,
My Favorites,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pretty Little Liars

OK, I'm going to confess something here. I like Pretty Little Liars. And I finally watched this week's episode. Which I enjoyed. A lot! Would have liked it more if Aria and Ezra were together. But that's the name of the game. Right?
I really like Aria's style though. That's the real reason why I watch the show. :) I know, teens watch this show. But what can I say? I really watch for Aria's style. I love her makeup and hair. It's a girl thing. You know what I mean? I guess because you don't see many brunette actresses that get attention. But the stylist for this show is doing a great job!
Now if I just had some money to go out and buy some similar items. But a girl can dream. And I wish, my hair would do that same thing. Oh to have hair that is beautiful. And that makeup too. ♥Besitos
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Italian Wedding Soup
I must be feeling better. Because when I seen this video, I suddenly felt like cooking.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm part Italian. And yum, this looks delicious. Something that we'd eat. I'm a HUGE fan of Italian Wedding Soup! And as much as I love to cook, I've never tried to make this.
That is going to end very soon. Because I'm going to go grocery shopping. And I want to make this. OK, maybe not this ginormous amount. But enough for me to eat. Because I seriously want some of this yummy soup! ♥Besitos
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Violin Huapango
This is not just one of my favorite songs, but one of my favorite Mariachis. Rafael, he happens to now live in my hometown. I've had the pleasure of seeing him play and sing many times. He's so talented. And a really nice guy.
You just have to love the violin duo at the end. A father and a son. Doesn't get much better than that. I LOVE this song. And not just because I'm a violin player. I've always liked this song. But this particular video, with this group, just makes it amazing!
I know many of the current musicians in Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan. Wonderful musicians. And down to earth. I've had the pleasure in playing with many musicians. In a variety of genres. But there's something about Mariachi musicians, they're always down to earth. No matter how popular they are. It's like family. ♥Besitos
My Favorites,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today, we're going to talk about friends. as in the kind that you don't need. The kind that are only there for themselves. As in, they only call or some around when they need something.
Unfortunately, I've made some horrible choices in some friends. Not all. But in some. But one in particular, I don't know what it is. I can't seem to not be friends with her. It's like an illness I believe. Because the other slackers, life suckers, horrible people...I've ditched them.
But somehow, this "friend" has stayed around. It's been nearly 6 months since we've seen each other. In the last 18 months, we've seen each other twice. Twice people! But now, she is making my life pretty miserable.
I am always the one having to call. Having to make the effort. Having to plan our lunch meet ups. And having to drive an hour there and back. She doesn't make the effort. And if I call, and she knows that I'm too busy to meet up, she just doesn't answer the phone.
Then when she's having a bad day, like yesterday, she calls me in a panic. I don't know what to do. Yesterday, I was sleeping when she called. And by the time I noticed her call, it was 10PM. Not bad for us normal folks, but she goes to bed at 10PM.
But the worst thing of all, and probably why I've avoided her when I could have met for lunch, or an occasional trip to Barnes and Noble or Target, is that I've seen her stealing. No lie! And crap that she doesn't need. Like Rose hand salve, Burt's Bees lip balm, or pens. It's not like she doesn't have money. She comes from a family that is very well off financially. She also works a full time job, and still lives at home. In so many words, girl has got some serious cash!
So I'm stuck here. I don't know what to do. I'm unsure of what I should do. Because I'm the only person that makes an effort. I do all the calling, e-mailing, and planning. And to be honest, I'm not at all comfortable around her. I just need to think long and hard about this. ♥Besitos
Unfortunately, I've made some horrible choices in some friends. Not all. But in some. But one in particular, I don't know what it is. I can't seem to not be friends with her. It's like an illness I believe. Because the other slackers, life suckers, horrible people...I've ditched them.
But somehow, this "friend" has stayed around. It's been nearly 6 months since we've seen each other. In the last 18 months, we've seen each other twice. Twice people! But now, she is making my life pretty miserable.
I am always the one having to call. Having to make the effort. Having to plan our lunch meet ups. And having to drive an hour there and back. She doesn't make the effort. And if I call, and she knows that I'm too busy to meet up, she just doesn't answer the phone.
Then when she's having a bad day, like yesterday, she calls me in a panic. I don't know what to do. Yesterday, I was sleeping when she called. And by the time I noticed her call, it was 10PM. Not bad for us normal folks, but she goes to bed at 10PM.
But the worst thing of all, and probably why I've avoided her when I could have met for lunch, or an occasional trip to Barnes and Noble or Target, is that I've seen her stealing. No lie! And crap that she doesn't need. Like Rose hand salve, Burt's Bees lip balm, or pens. It's not like she doesn't have money. She comes from a family that is very well off financially. She also works a full time job, and still lives at home. In so many words, girl has got some serious cash!
So I'm stuck here. I don't know what to do. I'm unsure of what I should do. Because I'm the only person that makes an effort. I do all the calling, e-mailing, and planning. And to be honest, I'm not at all comfortable around her. I just need to think long and hard about this. ♥Besitos
All Out Failures,
Monday, August 2, 2010
Creepy Crawlies

I found this crochet pattern today. I'm still not feeling well. So I've been in bed. And exploring a bit more of the internet. This is the free crochet pattern of the day from Free Crochet. They're cute in their own way. Reminds me of the kids at the hospital. I always had a hard time trying to come up with toys for the little boys. I think this is perfect. What little boy doesn't like bugs? ♥Besitos
Gifts for Others,
Hospital Work,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Makeup for Shows
I'm still feeling a bit rough. I managed to make it to church. Then, came home and went to bed. I just hate feeling so sick! But it lead me to YouTube. And to pixi2woo's channel. Where I found this video.
I find that this is a nice dramatic look. Something that mariachi performing requires. Something that I need to learn how to perfect more. I really, really think I look ridiculous with such a bold lip. But who knows, it's probably just my own insecurities. I really want to try this look. Perhaps this week, I'll be feeling better. One can only hope. ♥Besitos
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