Monday, July 5, 2010

Heriberto Molina

One of the most talented people, that I've ever had the honor to meet is don Heriberto Molina. "El Maestro." You can read more about him here. But he trained to sing. In a monastery of all places. Later, he learned the violin so that he could play in a mariachi. Not just any mariachi either, Mariachi Vargas de Tecalilitlan.

I've had the honor to train with him. His vocal training is the best out there. And if you ever have the chance, don't pass it up. He has so much knowledge to share. In everything from breathing, wording, performing, stance, and presentation. This is what you call a "God given talent." El Maestro, he just has the talent. It's just there. And he is so willing to share it.

And if you're ever lucky enough to sit down and talk with El Maestro. Don't pass that up! He is so hilarious! And has decades of amazing stories to tell. I'm telling you, he is one of the most talented people I have ever known. And kind, oh so kind. ♥Besitos

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