Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

In my life, veterans have a very dear place in my heart. Yes, I do come from a military family. Not in the sense, that my dad was in the military. But that we have so many family members who were. My maternal great grandfather fought in WWI. My maternal grandfather was in WWII. During Vietnam, my mom had 2 brothers in the service. One in the Army, one in the Navy. My dad had 2 brothers in the army during Vietnam. My oldest brother also served 2 tours in Vietnam. One was voluntary, so that one of our other brothers, would not have to go to war. He also fought in Desert Storm. And wanted to volunteer for our current 2 wars. Had it not been for age, health, etc. We have another brother who was in the Army. And my uncle who made a career out of the Army.

Today, I have 2 cousins in the National Guard. One who was in the war. And I have countless friends who are currently serving our country. I am a proud and free American because of all these brave men and women. The very people who put their lives on the line, to defend our country and our freedoms.

How can we not be grateful? I still cry when I hear the National Anthem. I take great pride when I get to perform it. To this day, I still love to see members of the Marine Corps in their dress blues. It reminds me of my oldest brother. Every single day, I put my American flag out proudly. And I support our troops and their families. Without all of their sacrifices, we would not live the life that we live today.

If you see a veteran, or a current member of the military, stop and tell them Thank You. They give so much of their lives for us. For people that they do not know. If you have a chance, go to your nearest cemetery, and visit a few graves. Leave a small flag. And for any veteran, member of the military, or family that happens to read this, Thank You for everything! ♥Besitos

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