Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! This is truly one of my favorite holidays all year. I like it much more than Christmas. I think it's because this holiday focuses on family. And time spent together.

My Mom and I are already hard at work with the cooking. We baked lots of pies and bread already. And "Tom the Turkey" is already in the oven. I'm so excited! I'm serious when I tell you how much I LOVE Thanksgiving.

I'm not sure if it's the food, the parade, time with my family, the football, or maybe just my Mom's pumpkin pies. But this is a wonderful day! Have a great and safe holiday! ♥Besitos

Friday, November 20, 2009

Exotic Turquoise Eye Tutorial

I can't lie. I'm sorta in love with this look. Emily has a lot of great videos. Most of them are about drugstore makeup and tutorials similar to this one. But this look, it just grabbed my attention. I really want to try this out. Too bad it's the dead of winter. And this look reminds me of hot summer nights out. But who knows, I might just surprise you with the look one day. :) ♥Besitos

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's Time to Call the Professionals

There are a lot of things that I am able to do for myself. A lot. Especially for a woman. A woman that grew up, not even knowing how to pump her own gas. Yes, I have learned quite a lot! Mostly through experience. At 18, I moved out on my own. Into my own home. Yes, I bought a house when I was 18. I think I was crazy! But the lessons began.

A month into living here, the hot water knob in the shower broke. In the "On" position. And I didn't know anyone that lived here, in the town I had moved to. At 4 something in the morning, I call my dad. I got the run down of how to turn the water off. Um, my house was built in the late 1940s. There are no turn off valves. Another call, and I was digging in the dark, into the main water valve. You know the box. Usually in your front yard, that connects you to the city. Fighting off the bugs, I turned the water off.

About a year later, I went without hot water. For a month! Yes, a month. I didn't know what was wrong. Finally, my dad asked if I had a burnt fuse. I did. I figured out how to get the 2 out and went to Home Depot. I learned all about fuses. I learned. The man thought I was crazy. But I bought 12.

I went on to learn how to fix my lawn mower. How to change sprinkler heads. How to turn my heaters on and off. Even how to fix the leak in my roof. Basic things, that I think every woman should know. I still struggle at changing light bulbs in my hallway and outside. I am a little vertically challenged here. Even with the 6 foot ladder. But hey, in my defense, these 2 lights are extremely high.

But when it comes to household things, I have had to learn out of necessity. Almost all of my family lives 3-4 hours away. My friends, well I probably know more, than most of them. It leaves me. And occasionally, I will ask my neighbor. Because I have no boyfriend, husband, etc. That is the major negative to being single. Having to fend for yourself in these situations.

This time, I can't fix the problem. I had this problem about 6 years ago. All the water that drains from the sinks in the house, or the washer, comes up the drain in my shower. UGH! Because of the 1940s plumbing, I have to call a plumber. And he gets on the roof and does something. I don't know what. But after about an hour, it is fixed. I hand him a big check, and he drives away.

About 2 weeks ago, my problem was back. Well, my washer died about 2 years ago. So I don't have to worry about that. But every time I wash dishes, or my hands, or whatever, I get ugly black water coming up the drain in my shower. Not a huge problem. I can use the other bathroom. Except, the guy that was re-tiling it, well he flaked. And that bathroom now has huge holes in the walls. So I have a problem.

It's not an emergency. Not like when I had hot water spraying out my shower and had to immediately turn it off. But in a little over a month, I will have visitors. What am I supposed to say then? So I am digging up the plumber's number. I wish I could learn how to fix this problem. Because I know it will happen again, in a few years. And I don't have man that is here to fix all my crisis for me. ♥Besitos

Saturday, November 14, 2009


About 2 weeks ago, I decided to start this blog. A blog to share my favorite things with people. My story of being a musician. To maybe connect with fellow musicians. A place to put down my thoughts about life. About the road that I seem to be traveling.

Last night, I decided I needed a break from sewing. And I joined a bunch of sites. More places to connect with similar people. Because I am looking at all of this, as turning a new leaf. So here we go. You can find me here:




I am still going to stay somewhat anonymous. But I figured, these would be nice places to begin, connecting with people like me. People that share some similarities with me. People who love music. Or crafting. Or just life in general. So if you belong to any of these sites, or have a blog, let me know. Post a comment with your link(s). ♥Besitos

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Do you think that today is bad luck? I don't. I am actually a fan of the number 13. And of Fridays. Put them together, and I am still very happy!

But I'm also not having the best of days. Probably because I am sitting here wishing I was at the conference. I love Mariachi. Probably, as much as, most women love makeup. Or most men love sports. But this year, I am not attending. Um, it has been a while, since I attended as a student. But at the very least, I usually go to the concert.

But this year, well it isn't happening. And that makes me so sad. This is probably my favorite event all year! I guess, it shows me that my life is going down a completely different path right now. But seriously! One of my all time favorite singers in performing tomorrow night. And I won't be there!

Today, I am determined to get my Goddaughter's nursery ready and done. I agreed and promised, to do the nursery months ago. Because my friends asked. And it was going to be for my goddaughter. Oh, and I LOVE to decorate. But life kind of just got in the way. School and work have swamped me. Then I had a lot of traveling for work and performing. Oh, and my sewing machine just died on me!

It's been a little tough, to say the least, to get my project done. But my Goddaughter is due any day now. And she needs a room to come home to. The painters and contractor have been here. And they have finished everything that they needed to do. The furniture is here. I just need to sew the bedding and the curtains. And get everything in it's place. Decorate. That sort of thing. It doesn't sound like a lot. But I have a pile of fabric staring at me, saying different.

My Friday the 13th isn't bad luck. Instead, I am just sulking a bit. Wishing that I was making beautiful music. Instead of sitting here listening to the wind howl outside. Don't let me get you down. Go and have some fun today! After all, it is Friday! ♥Besitos

Friday Fill-Ins: #150

1. The last band I saw live was my band when we performed in Sin City.

2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is the food. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)

3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is started, but nowhere near done.

4. Thoughts of mariachi fill my head.

5. I wish I could wear leggings, but I think I would look dumb.

6. Bagpipes remind me of funerals.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing up my goddaughter's nursery, tomorrow my plans include working and Sunday, I want to watch the NASCAR race! ♥Besitos

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

In my life, veterans have a very dear place in my heart. Yes, I do come from a military family. Not in the sense, that my dad was in the military. But that we have so many family members who were. My maternal great grandfather fought in WWI. My maternal grandfather was in WWII. During Vietnam, my mom had 2 brothers in the service. One in the Army, one in the Navy. My dad had 2 brothers in the army during Vietnam. My oldest brother also served 2 tours in Vietnam. One was voluntary, so that one of our other brothers, would not have to go to war. He also fought in Desert Storm. And wanted to volunteer for our current 2 wars. Had it not been for age, health, etc. We have another brother who was in the Army. And my uncle who made a career out of the Army.

Today, I have 2 cousins in the National Guard. One who was in the war. And I have countless friends who are currently serving our country. I am a proud and free American because of all these brave men and women. The very people who put their lives on the line, to defend our country and our freedoms.

How can we not be grateful? I still cry when I hear the National Anthem. I take great pride when I get to perform it. To this day, I still love to see members of the Marine Corps in their dress blues. It reminds me of my oldest brother. Every single day, I put my American flag out proudly. And I support our troops and their families. Without all of their sacrifices, we would not live the life that we live today.

If you see a veteran, or a current member of the military, stop and tell them Thank You. They give so much of their lives for us. For people that they do not know. If you have a chance, go to your nearest cemetery, and visit a few graves. Leave a small flag. And for any veteran, member of the military, or family that happens to read this, Thank You for everything! ♥Besitos

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Sesame Street!

Today is the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street. How many of us grew up watching our favorite PBS show? I know I was a HUGE fan. I know that my older sister, now 38, watched it. I can sit and talk to almost anyone that I know, and we have some fond memory of Big Bird and the gang.

I still can't believe it has been 40 years. OK, so the gang had already been on the air for 14 years when I was born. But seriously, 40 years is a long time! I watched Sesame Street for many years. This was before the days of Elmo. My favorite guy was Oscar the Grouch. I had stuffed animals, books, and clothes with the famous characters. I even had the bedding and some Christmas ornaments. These characters, were like my family.

If you knew just one thing about me, as a kid, I spent a lot of time on my own. Yes, in the 80s, it wasn't unheard of, to spend time by yourself. Even as a small kid. I was a "latch key kid." Who lost at least 3 keys a week. I also spent hours at home alone. Big Bird and the gang were my pals! They got me through the tough days of chicken pox, and the lonely days without my parents.

Today, I sit and watch them with my 4 year old goddaughter. But we watch in Spanish. Not much has changed in the past 20 something years. Many of the songs are the same. Sure, there are a few new guys on the block. And famous people sure do like the show. But it is the same gang that I laughed with, for so many fond years. Here's to another 40 years! ♥Besitos

What My Dad Taught Me...

Over the years, my relationship with my dad has been both good, and strained. I guess it just depends on the time frame we are talking about. Probably because my dad was 50 years old when I was born. We had different views on life from day 1. I was a product of his 2nd relationship. He, my mom, and I were a family. But they worked all the time. And I grew up very much the loner. Very much on my own. With little to no rules. But tons of expectations.

My parents, though they were not aware of it, taught me to be a very independent mujer. The kind that tries to do everything on her own. As a kid, I was resourceful. I figured out that reading helped pass the time. In a very quick manner. Because my parents were growing their business. And I was not really a planned kid. But I was there. And they had to deal with me. Even if the demands of their business seemed to scream louder.

I learned that teachers could be more than teachers. They could be friends. And family. From the time I entered pre-school, to my current days in college, I look at teachers as being friends. People I can have a relationship with. And I can learn from.

But my Dad taught me some things, that I am sure, even he doesn't realize. He taught me the way a man should treat a woman. And the only way, that I will ever tolerate, a man treating me. I know that I need to be loved and respected. Not always in that order. But always the 2 together. I should never give all of myself to anyone, until they have proven to be kind hearted and loving to me. And I don't just mean in a physical nature. But in an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual way.

My dad was also sure to tell me, that I could be anyone or anything, that I wanted to be. I don't necessarily think he really meant "anything," because he frowned quite badly, at the idea that I would be a musician all my life. And not a doctor or a lawyer. But I understood, the sky was the limit.

One of the biggest lessons, that I ever learned though, was never to be completely dependent on anyone. This has come back to bite my Dad in the ass more than once! Because I am independent to the point that I sometimes do without basic necessities. Rather than to ask him or my mom for help. Yes, I have been known to go without food, because I need to make a tuition payment. Or to do without heat, because I simply couldn't afford it.

But the positive side to all of that, is this. I know that I should never, ever be completely dependent on a man for money, love, status, self-worth, or anything else. I need to be a complete person on my own. Then I can search for love. But I can't forget who I am, once I find that love. I need to stay true to myself. And at the same time, completely give of myself, to my partner. I know lots of people won't understand that. But I do.

I have learned to rely on myself. To dream up a goal, and to make a plan. Sometimes we veer off course, but the plan helps us to see the goal in mind. Since I was a wee one, my dad instilled saving money for tomorrow. I am very grateful for that. Had it not been for that, who knows where I would be now. At 26, I have a home of my own, a fairly new car, and I go to school pretty much debt free. Yes, there are plenty of sacrifices that have to be made. But I have a home that is mine. A car that is mine. And I usually have the basic necessities, that I need in life. I would never have guessed at 18 years of age, that I would buy a home. But I did. Because I was taught to think about my future.

As a kid, I also got more "stuff" than most kids. I think it was a way for my parents not to feel guilty when they left for work trips. Or when they sent me, to stay with my grandparents, for the entire summer. But I had every Barbie, Little Pony, or toy that I really wanted. I was not happy though. I was spoiled. But not like a rotten kid. And if I could have, I would have traded all of that stuff, for more time with my parents. Or even a sibling.

But the thing, I never really sat down and realized as a kid, was that my dad was teaching me things. He taught me by example. Whether it was good or bad. He even taught me what I should expect and look for in a life partner. Yes, I got diamonds and a new car. But it was his way of showing me that anything was possible with a goal in mind. He showed me not to just "settle" for the first man that came around. But that there are good guys out there. The kind that will give up a trip with their buddies, to buy their wife an anniversary present. Or to buy a home for their family.

You see, my dad dropped out of school in the 8th grade. But today, he has a very successful business. The kind that has him on the BBB's Top Employers List. My dad may be lacking in education. But he has never lacked in determination or will. That right there, was a priceless lesson he taught me. A little sacrifice never killed anybody.

Along the way, it hasn't always been easy. There have been times when I thought we were on completely different planets. But I now realize that my dad sacrificed so much, to give to me. Ya, I didn't have a perfect childhood. But I did get to take violin lessons. We had food on the table. I never grew up "wishing" I could go on a school trip. He didn't make it easy. Not by any means.

I had to have straight A's. No questions asked. I never missed a day of school, or a single class from kindergarten to graduation. I got a car. But with certain expectations. I did more fundraising, than any other person in my school. Ya, I sold the chocolate, and those dumb Applebee's apples. And I am sure, if I wasn't so darn hard headed, my parents would probably help me now with my tuition and books. But my dad taught me well. Sometimes too well. To the point that I know, one day, I will have to give up some of my selfish independence. Because I know, somewhere out there, there is a man that is going to love me, even more than my dad loves me. ♥Besitos

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lawn Frock Giveaway

Have you ever falling in love with a piece of clothing? Then you realize that you only have a long shot at it A. fitting, or B. ever getting your hands on it? I have and it's this dress!

Again, I was taking a peek at my favorite little blog, and there was this dress. In all it's glory. Staring right back at me! What am I to do? I would love to have this dress. To wear on a warm Spring day to church. Or out to lunch with my friends. Maybe even to work.

So I signed up for the giveaway. And I sit here waiting, on pins and needles. Because it is the only one around. What is a girl to do? ♥Besitos

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Poppy Fields Necklace and Earring Set Giveaway

My favorite little blog, Grosgrain, is hosting a giveaway for these beauties! I'm sitting here hoping and praying that I win the necklace and earring set. Because you know anything about me, I love jewelry! I'm a mujer after all. What else would you expect?

These pieces are just fun. And a little retro in style. I just love that! I also like how they are just so whimsical! Pieces that will add fun and excitement to any outfit. Like my usual white t-shirt and jeans, on my rare day off of course!

If you want to enter the giveaway, head over to Grosgrain. It really is a fun blog! You might just find another giveawy to enter too! ♥Besitos

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins: #149

I've decided to join the ranks. And I am going to post Friday Fill-Ins every week. So look out for them. Here we go...

1. Plans and schedules fill my life, but I think they are a waste of time.

2. I'm happy when things are moving forward.

3. The last thing I drank was water.

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my family and friends.

5. I like pepperoni, green chili, and mushrooms on my pizza.

6. Dear November, please be kind and fun.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to talking to my Goddaughter, tomorrow my plans include time with friends and Sunday, I want to watch the NASCAR race! ♥Besitos

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Shootings

I'm still in shock. Watching the news about the shooting at Fort Hood. What a tragedy. I am praying for all the families. For those people who were killed and injured. How could this happen on American soil? On an American Army base.

Years ago, one of my older brothers and his wife were stationed at Fort Hood. In fact, they were there for years and years. Started their family there. A place were my family has ties. A place that was such a safe place for them. A place that many families once felt, was a safe place.

It is sad to see this happen. To see our braves soldiers being attacked on home soil. Being attacked, somewhere they should have been safest. But I am not here to blog about the horror. But to blog about the innocent people. The victims in all of this. My thoughts and prayers go out to each and every single one of you. May God Bless you all. And take care of you on this tragic day in American history. ♥Besitos

Pin-Up Hair Guru

I'm going to share a little secret with you. Besides Mariachi, I perform or have performed in a variety of music groups: a country band, a trio, the symphony, the opera, a string quartet, a tejano band, and in a female group.

A couple of years ago, I was looking for a pin-up tutorial. I searched the web and I found a YouTube guru, Iris. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful woman that does my hair and makeup. But we like to look for new inspiration. I still watch Iris' videos. Because I really appreciate her talent. She has taught not only me, but my favorite MUA/hairstylist some tricks and tips. If you like this video, go check out her page! ♥Besitos

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's That Time Again

Do you sit and wonder how time just keeps on ticking. Even when you are not realizing it. Or want it to go by. It just happens. All the time. And well, I am at that place again. Trying to decide what classes to take next semester. Trying to figure what I can afford. What I can't. How many hours I need to take. What classes I want to take. And if I will ever graduate.

In reality, I am confuse. Beyond belief! My finances are dictating more of my school schedule, than my requirements are. But what am I to do? In all actuality, if I met prince charming tomorrow. We fell in love and decided to have kids, I would walk away from it all. Because deep in my heart, that is what I have always wanted.

Is that why I can't get it together? Am I just tricking myself into believing I want a career? A career that sucks the fun out of life. One that I am not quite sure I wanted in the first place. But one that I somehow found myself completely surrounded by. Slowly sucking the life from me.

I don't know any of the real answers here. But I do know that I need to finalize my schedule for the Spring. I also need to come up with a large sum of money. Because I need to place a book order. And put a deposit on my tuition. Let's not talk about the fact that I haven't even finished paying off this semester's expenses. ♥Besitos

Monday, November 2, 2009

Makeup Square

I just LOVE Ali's makeup tutorials. They're so fun. And the looks are amazing! This is one of my favorites! I like to watch her videos for inspiration. And to learn new techniques. Mostly, I wear this type of makeup for gigs. Especially Mariachi work. I always feel like I need to be a lot more dramatic with my hair, makeup, and accessories. It's just something that comes with the territory.

I just wish that Ali would make some more tutorials. I miss watching them. But there are a lot more here. She has so many amazing looks! I just wish I could wear them all. And more often. But it's a bit dramatic for a college student and hospital intern. ♥Besitos

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One of Those Mujeres...

Yes, I am one of those women. The ones that grew up hearing you can do anything you want to. Anything that a man can do, you can do 10X's better. Ya, I know. But I am also one of those mujeres that probably should have lived in the 1950s. Because I want to be a stay-at-home-wife and mommy. Don't judge. It's what I want. Will I get there? Who knows. Until then, I am a musician and a student. And on a good day, I am a sane human being. On a bad day, I can keep it together with people never knowing the difference. That's me in a nutshell. If you want to know more, just stay tuned. I promise to keep sharing! ♥Besitos